
Feb 28, 2014

Another Year at My.Opera

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It's already been two years since I had become part of the Opera community. My first glimpse of this site was credited to the Opera Mini synchronization. Then I discovered the forums on which I eagerly participated; helping people to troubleshoot their Minis and tweak their phones, answering trivias that make my mind crazy, giving opinions on current issues and cultures, and even posting the weather at my place on a daily basis.

I was first welcomed in the Intellectual forum. From there, I met Mr. Lizardi. I was really thankful to his words of encouragement when I was at lost with my goals. Then, I came along MD and I started to get acquainted with Indian nationalities. At first, he was reluctant on accepting friend requests; I haven't known that guys can also be picky. But I was able to make it on his list (wink MD, hehe). He educated me with the Indian traditions and religions and showed me their way of life. It was also due to him that I got hooked in exploring Linux and open-source softwares and designing this blog. While I was paving my way to the Linux system, I was grateful for Slackwrdave who gave me a helping hand during the installation. Rahul, thanks for the updates on your studies and travels. To princess of dawn for sharing the same habit of eating street food; to Australian, for our shared experience in learning the complicated style of Nihonggo; to Harpreet who startled me with his calling me "dear" (am not used to guys who call girls dear); to Mr. Larry for providing me the reviews on the different Linux OS as well as inspiring my life with his blog. And for all those people who once flooded my inbox and chatbox with hi and hello, for those who had shared with me their hobbies, their meaningful photos, their everyday experiences and their little part of their heart and mind, THANK YOU for being part of my two-year existence in this community! I feel no regrets belonging here because of the warmth I felt from you, guys. You made me coming here again and again, though the new layout is a pain on the neck, I don't know where things are).
--> sameer, Jan de Smit, Greenwitch, Kirill, Taylyr, Jasper, Ryan, dhampir and Lhalaine, CHEERS! Let's Rock 2011.

 Saturday, January 1, 2011

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