
May 9, 2009

For the One Proud Mama

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It's Mother's Day!

The day to express our gratefulness to the ones who bear us in their wombs for 9 months. It's time to show them your love (if you haven't done it for sometime) and it's the day to give your Mom a break (treat her to some good restaurants or just enjoy the day with her).

To my Mom up there, Thank you. You are the reason of who I am today. My guide may have gone forever, but she had set the path I am walking right now. It's now my part to lead this path successful and learn the things that may come up along the way.

Happy Mother's Day to all our Mamas!

1 comment:

  1. You know I always appreciate your this approach, different from other girls.
    Peace to your mother.
    She is watching you and you know it.
    Show her that you can be someone she wanted you to be!
    Good Luck my friend!


